Thursday, February 28, 2013

Reasons to be Happy Today:

I talked to Rob this morning
I talked to Cynthia this afternoon.
I talked to Carlos this afternoon.
I will be talking to Rob tonight.
It's currently my favorite weather outside. Dark and dreary. It makes me want tou cuddle up with a book and lay by a window. It's a comfortable wrap of semidarkness.
I am drinking a caramel swirl iced coffee, which is my absolute favorite.

I feel like I need to have a dark post to counterbalance all these perky obes. I still can't find my negative emotions though. Maybe someday!

What made your day happy? (to Cynthia, the only one reading this) haha <3

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So. Flippin'. Happy.

Honestly, I woke up expecting a completely different day. Then disaster struck. For, like, 10 minutes I was completely devastated. Then I was over it because my brain finally caught up to my emotions. I forgot that I still have forever for certain things. My other thought was that I am so in love. More in love than even yesterday. Each day is filled with so many new things in our relationship. It's crazy that just thinking about him makes me... feel so much.
I just feel like I need a way to express how I feel since it's so new to me. I'm on a whole other level of happiness. I feel like I'm floating.

I hung out with my amazing sister-in-law who has also been my best friend for 10 years. We had an amazing 7 hours of alone time andd I finally had a chance to tell her everything. It felt nice. I've been unable to do this seeing how we're never really alone together.  and some things you can only tell your best friends.
Then a night of possible disaster was fine because I love Cynthia. Without her....

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Day Never Lacks

I suppose I was having a pretty average Monday. You know, stereotypically sleepy and in a slightly off mood. Then I'm late for work for the first time. It would have been worse if I wouldn't have been talking to Rob right before. He has a way of making everything better just by talking to me. Then he sends me this email... that just sweeps all of the blahness away and makes me realize that no matter how bad work is I have him. He's the brightness of my days. So I got to work and couldn't really get into it. Casey noticed and tried to cheer me up. This only slightly worked. I just am not feeling my job anymore. It's draining. So he says he doesn't like to see me unhappy so he's going to come back in and bring me ice cream. He ended up not having to actually get ice cream but he stopped back in anyway.. because he's an awesome friend . Then I get a call from Rob and let's just say.... I am now super happy. I've decided that for the rest of the day I don't care how bad things get. I'm so happy to have all of these amazing people in my life. Gah.

PS: Cynthia, seeing you today made my heart beat in a happy way. I miss you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Got Light?

I read this quote a few weeks ago that said something along the lines of... the more light you have in you, the more dark you have to balance it out. I thought about it and realized it's definitely true. Not in a way where I'm like... Rargh I'm evil, more like where there's a happy thought I know there's a dark one always  lurking if I give into it. I suppose everyone has that but I feel like mine can sometimes be an overly overwhelming wall. Last year I became overwhelmed by it for the first time and it was ridiculous. I felt so unlike myself for way too long. Right now, being so happy, it's easy to not even think about it. Honestly, I feel like it was a once in a lifetime thing. It made me better appreciate the happiness I radiate off. I suppose this post is just a reminder to everyone to never give up because happiness will always find you.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Man of My Dreams. Oh, * Reality

    To the man who has my heart,
I'm not going to post anything he doesn't already know. This is strictly to let everyone know how happy he makes me.
     Where should I begin? Well, I found love in a Kmart store. That's an actual song but I don't recommend to anyone. It's a horrid country song.
      I met him because he came to our store for training. I never meant to fall in love with him. For reasons I'm not going to mention on here, I really didn't think it'd be right. Then I got to know him... and I couldn't get enough of him. Every time I'm around him, I just fall in love with him more and more. He's so amazingly sweet. He always seems to say the right things to make my heart melt. He calls me every day and we talk for forever, about everything. He's so easy to talk to. I never question how he feels. He's given me the butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling ever since I met him and I couldn't figure out why. He cares so much about me and Cynthia. This makes me love him even more that he can love and care about my best friend as much as I do. Our group dates are insanely fun. 'Therapy Sessions' haha
      In conclusion, he makes me so happy. Happier than I've been... ever.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Very Important People of Today and Forever.

My best friend, Cynthia, is everything a best friend should be, and more.

Her and I have been on so many adventures together. We've taken so many chances, knowing at some point things could blow up at us. We've stuck through everything, hand in hand. We go to the gym together and we walk on the treadmill for forever and talk about life . I can literally tell her everything. We sing really loud and dance together.. which is not something I am comfortable doing with just anyone. I want to never see her sad. I wish I could take away her pain and sadness. I know life isn't that easy.

It's so easy to give her my heart. she deserves so much love from everyone. She is an absolutely amazing person that I am so so so very lucky to call my best friend.
Ever since I've met her she's had a way of taking my bad days and making them not seem so bad. She encourages me to be strong. She doesn't believe that she's strong but she is. The fact that she is still standing after everything and trying to make life work again, shows how much strength she has in her. When she doesn't realize how much she really has buried in there.. I'm always going to be there to remind her it's there... and I'll always be there to lend mine.

Cynthia, I love you.

Next Post? This amazing guy named Rob.  :)

Monday, February 18, 2013


"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

        As hard and stressful as my life can be, I am very fortunate to have all the happiness in my life that I do. I am surrounded by so many people that love me and are always there for me. I love them with all my heart. Which is alot, seeing as my heart is huge. I feel like I have so much love to give. So in this blog, I am going to share my love with you in hopes of brightening your day.

     Besides the awfulness of my day , I am currently at 'game night' with my best friends, Carlos and Casey. They cause my heart to burst with happiness.
Currently, I am venting out my life at Carlos. Then it's time for more games.
Skippo, to be exact!

They are the best.

To be continued..