Monday, February 25, 2013

A Day Never Lacks

I suppose I was having a pretty average Monday. You know, stereotypically sleepy and in a slightly off mood. Then I'm late for work for the first time. It would have been worse if I wouldn't have been talking to Rob right before. He has a way of making everything better just by talking to me. Then he sends me this email... that just sweeps all of the blahness away and makes me realize that no matter how bad work is I have him. He's the brightness of my days. So I got to work and couldn't really get into it. Casey noticed and tried to cheer me up. This only slightly worked. I just am not feeling my job anymore. It's draining. So he says he doesn't like to see me unhappy so he's going to come back in and bring me ice cream. He ended up not having to actually get ice cream but he stopped back in anyway.. because he's an awesome friend . Then I get a call from Rob and let's just say.... I am now super happy. I've decided that for the rest of the day I don't care how bad things get. I'm so happy to have all of these amazing people in my life. Gah.

PS: Cynthia, seeing you today made my heart beat in a happy way. I miss you.

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