Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So. Flippin'. Happy.

Honestly, I woke up expecting a completely different day. Then disaster struck. For, like, 10 minutes I was completely devastated. Then I was over it because my brain finally caught up to my emotions. I forgot that I still have forever for certain things. My other thought was that I am so in love. More in love than even yesterday. Each day is filled with so many new things in our relationship. It's crazy that just thinking about him makes me... feel so much.
I just feel like I need a way to express how I feel since it's so new to me. I'm on a whole other level of happiness. I feel like I'm floating.

I hung out with my amazing sister-in-law who has also been my best friend for 10 years. We had an amazing 7 hours of alone time andd I finally had a chance to tell her everything. It felt nice. I've been unable to do this seeing how we're never really alone together.  and some things you can only tell your best friends.
Then a night of possible disaster was fine because I love Cynthia. Without her....

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