Sunday, February 24, 2013

Got Light?

I read this quote a few weeks ago that said something along the lines of... the more light you have in you, the more dark you have to balance it out. I thought about it and realized it's definitely true. Not in a way where I'm like... Rargh I'm evil, more like where there's a happy thought I know there's a dark one always  lurking if I give into it. I suppose everyone has that but I feel like mine can sometimes be an overly overwhelming wall. Last year I became overwhelmed by it for the first time and it was ridiculous. I felt so unlike myself for way too long. Right now, being so happy, it's easy to not even think about it. Honestly, I feel like it was a once in a lifetime thing. It made me better appreciate the happiness I radiate off. I suppose this post is just a reminder to everyone to never give up because happiness will always find you.

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