Friday, March 29, 2013

Golly Gee

A week before I get my period.. for 3 days... I become an emotional wreck inside. I literally need a lot of happiness around me or I wallow around thinking stupid thoughts that at a regular time would make absolutely no sense. Even now I know I have no reason to think anything so sad but I can't help it. So instead of letting it out in person and letting my brittlewall crumble.. I'm just going to post that I am frustrated with being a girl and getting my period soon which leads to me being steriotypically moody. Also during this time I eat abunch of sweet things... which I also don't usually do.. which makes me feel fat.. and I know I'm not.. gosh. I need a delivery of a thousand compliments... stat!

Other than that ..
I'm pretty damn happy
This post is so contradicting..

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kmart Isn't Everything

I'm so used to thinking Kmart is everything... its hard to switch my thoughts sometimrs because it's a habit to care too much for Kmart. Like today. I need to fix Kmart. it's not my responsibility to fix it. I shouldn't feel the urge to be on the floor and pick up the slack. I should just focus on the upfront .
Yeah, no. Telling myself that isn't working. Stress.. stress.  stress.

What is everything to me? Well, if you've read the rest of the blogs... then you don't even need to ask.
I love you .

I'm going up to my brother's house tonight for some quality Hunter time. 3 more hours of work... then hopefully hearing Rob's voice.. then my Hunbuns.
I can do this.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Puzzle Pieces

I've never been very great at not procrastinating. It's one of my amazing talents. In schoool,I feel like I did my best work under pressure... Knowing I need to get it done ASAP. In real life... it's not the ideal thing to do. I've procrastinated getting my license.. going to school... I don't regret it though. If things wouldn't have followed through like they have I wouldn't be where I am today... an incredibly happy person who is finally taking control of her life. I've been looking for a jumpstart..  something to motivate me in the right direction.... and I've finally found it (him)  . It's because I feel like a part of my life is finally happening and I feel like everything else needs to catch up. I have my driving test scheduled... it doesn't mean I'm going to pass it but it's a goal I'm working hard to achieve. A possible new career is looming in my future. A new life with someone who loves me unconditionally.. just like I love him. I have all these amazing friends who will always love me and be there for me.. My family can be quite ridiculous at times.. but they love me. The puzzle pieces are finally connecting.

Monday, March 18, 2013

High School

A lot of people from high school are posting about how they want to reconnect with everyone in high school. Two of my exes  from high school have just recently tried to get ahold of me to hang out. and then 2 girls I used to be friends with have asked too. I really have no urge to hang out with any of them. We didn't click back then.. We definitely won't click now. The friends I have now... are absolutely the best friends I hsve ever had. I want to keep them for forever. Also, I'm sure the 2 exes are only trying to hang out with me becausethey see I'm not with Shawn. Sadly for them... I have the man of my dreams.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Today was so stressful! I was close to tears. Usually days like that at Kmart don't get to me.. but I think I'm just so sick of all the negativity.. Gah.
So Rob called.. and I absolutely love him. I know I keep saying that.  but it's true. He completes me. With him there's no stress.. it's just us. I'm so fortunate to find someone to love me as much as I love him. When I think about that.. I'm like, wow. That's a lot of love. So I just finished eating pizza burgers with ny dad and I'll probably spend the rest of my night day dreaming about Rob. Smiling. A lot.
Casey asked me if I really needed a job----Since Kmart is frustrating me so much... I told him it definitely benefits me to have one currently.. then I tried to think of all the things I could do if I wasn't working! Insane. I've had a job nonstop for the past 5 years... it's a weird thought to end that.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I'm currently working out on the arc glider at the gym. It's not easy to text and do this at the same time! If I was on the treadmill I soooo would have fallen over by now! I figured it's the perfect time to tell the world about my day! I have today off from Kmart... Thank god. I went to a craft fair today with my mom, her mom, and my step dad. I sometimes forget how pleasant I am. Then I see myself at the craft fair greeting and smiling at the vendors. I sometimes feel.. dorky. I'd love to meet someone like myself so i can see how the world perceives me. Too bad I don't have a twin.
Anyway, after the fair my mom and step dad took me along to the St Patricks Day parade. It was cute but I was freezing! Thinking about how nice it would be to be holding someone's warm hand....
Somedays I feel like talking a lot. I think it's because I'm used to having a phone call with Rob in the morning and then working and talking to everyone... Since I haven't done either... I'm going crazy.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Need a Vacation

The past week has been absolutely amazing. Wednesday I went to a different Kmart... and I absolutely loved it. It was nice to be somewhere different.. makinga difference... I even got asked too go out to lunch with their upfront lead.. and to transfer.
I wish it was that easy to give up my Kmart...
While I was up there, Rob visited me on my lunch. I was having an awesome day already.... but add him into it? it's heaven.
Then last night my cousin drove me up to his Kmart. Best. Night. Ever. I'm happy that my cousin was so cool with everything...
I asked her if she liked him, she said, yes! definitely! but what i really like is how much you seem to... blossom... with him around. Everything that was dulled down while you were with Shawn is finally coming out again.. it makes me so happy to have you back to this way. Rob makes me feel so... great. He's my soulmate.
Just rethinking about last night is taking off the stress of work today...
plus, my coffee is helping.. seeing as how I am atDunkin Donut.
I need  a vacation, please.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I'm doing what I always do when I'm having a stressful day at Kmart... I come over to Dunkin Donuts and drink an iced coffee. I haven't had to do this until recently since I've gone up front.. that's the source of my stress. There's some in other aspects of my life.... but nothing as awful as being up there. So I'm happy to say this iced coffee is saving me from curling up in a ball.
Not that I've actually done that yet! Sometimes I imagine it in my head though.
I've had a good past few days. I just love my life. I spent a few hours with Rob yesterday and there's still a huge smile stuck on my face. I've realized that I had lost faith in there being a soulmate for everyone. Now that thought is so far gone... since I have finally found mine.
Another amazing aspect of yesterday was going to Kmart to meet Cynthia and sitting in her car.. drinking Frapps. Every time I see her I see a huge world of amazing possibilities. I'm really not even sure what it means when I say that but it's what I feel so I thought I should put that in here. I also miss her. I wish we could hang out every day..
Last night I went to see Lord of the Dance with my mom, my baby sister(Alicia), Carlos, and Casey. It was amazing. I love watching people who are so skilled.
I was planning on going to the gym tonight...but my dad called me at work to see if I wanted to go out to Red Lobster. Of course I said yes!

I could go to the gym afterwards but I'm pretty sure even now I'm too exhausted. There's always tomorrow morning    :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Warmer Weather

So I've only mentioned this to Rob so far so I figured I'd tell the world since I'm sure something good is coming...
Sometimes I get a feeling of how a season is going to be.. good, bad, indifferent. A few days ago I got a feeling that spring/summer was going to be amazing. Yesterday it was warm outside and it made me think of it so I told my mom. She said oh, well that's funny because your brother told me he was goinf to win the lottery on May 31st. I was like.. oh? she said i don't know.. ask him about it.
So today he came over and I was like, so I hear you are going to win the lottery on May 31st? He laughed and said, Well, I don't know if I'm going to win the lottery but I feel like something amazing is going to happen when it gets warmer.. then I had a dream that it would happen in 93 days which would be May 31st.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Working Out.

I love working out. I love pushing myself and seeing how far I can go.(not just in a workingoutkindofway). I went to the gym today so that pretty much means the rest of my day won't be terribly awful. It's so nice to go there and not think about life. To jist work your body and that's it. Ha! Besides the fact of that not being true anymore.. there's someone who no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing he's always right there on my mind.. but that's okay because he doesn't add anything negative in my life. He just adds tons of positives.
The rest of my day is going well.. at work.. another 11-7 shift which I'm trying not to dwell on.. since it's such a lame shift.....
not thinking about it.
My mom brought me in dinner since she is super amazing.
Mmmmm. Now I'm sleepy.
I love you, Rob.
I love you, Cynthia.
I love you, Life.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Nephew

My nephew is 3 1/2. He is absolutely amazing. Ever since he was born, just looking at him makes my heart melt. I just have so much love for him. He makes bad days go away just by telling me he loves me. I've never had anyone else do that for me.. until I met Rob. These two are the most important guys in my life.
I could have never asked for a better nephew.
I'm hanging out with him right now and he's making me laugh so bad. He's so goofy

Friday, March 1, 2013

Good Morning

My morning was so good. Beyond words kind of good.
Work was fine. I got on the floor for over an hour. It was awesome. Then I keep thinking about this morning....
So after work Carlos and Casey's sister, Megan, came to work snd were like... Leanne! Want to go bowling!? I was super nervous... it's been forever since i've gone bowling...
I had a freakin' blast. I was awful and it was amazing. I love my friends.
I love Rob.