Saturday, March 9, 2013


I'm doing what I always do when I'm having a stressful day at Kmart... I come over to Dunkin Donuts and drink an iced coffee. I haven't had to do this until recently since I've gone up front.. that's the source of my stress. There's some in other aspects of my life.... but nothing as awful as being up there. So I'm happy to say this iced coffee is saving me from curling up in a ball.
Not that I've actually done that yet! Sometimes I imagine it in my head though.
I've had a good past few days. I just love my life. I spent a few hours with Rob yesterday and there's still a huge smile stuck on my face. I've realized that I had lost faith in there being a soulmate for everyone. Now that thought is so far gone... since I have finally found mine.
Another amazing aspect of yesterday was going to Kmart to meet Cynthia and sitting in her car.. drinking Frapps. Every time I see her I see a huge world of amazing possibilities. I'm really not even sure what it means when I say that but it's what I feel so I thought I should put that in here. I also miss her. I wish we could hang out every day..
Last night I went to see Lord of the Dance with my mom, my baby sister(Alicia), Carlos, and Casey. It was amazing. I love watching people who are so skilled.
I was planning on going to the gym tonight...but my dad called me at work to see if I wanted to go out to Red Lobster. Of course I said yes!

I could go to the gym afterwards but I'm pretty sure even now I'm too exhausted. There's always tomorrow morning    :)

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