Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mmmm, Goldfish Puffs

    New Goldfish puffs? They taste like not-as-cheesy-but-still-cheesy Cheetos cheese puffs.. And they're super awesome because their mouths are open! So cute!
     I went into work at 4 am today. It's a good thing I was exhausted yesterday and fell asleep at 530pm! Or else I would have been completely dead today. Now I'm laying on my bed, trying to convince myself I get up and shave my legs or something. Haha. Or even read! But my body is just like.. Leanne, sit your butt down and do not move. And I'm like blah! I hate relaxing!
    Speaking of relaxing.. My vacation is in 3 days. I have off tomorrow and I'm planning on going to a cookout with Carlos and Casey. Then off to the fire works!
    I really haven't posted my inner emotions lately. I'm not sure what they are right now. Everything feels.. Light, happy, very surface-like. I can't seem to bring myself down into any kind of funk. It's like there's a wall there keeping me from feeling any kind of upset. I don't remember placing it there either. If I could have done something like this, I would have done it sooner! So I'm just feeling mello. And hot.

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