Saturday, July 6, 2013

Why Do You Want To Marry Me?

    I just had a random thought of the movie, Sweet Home Alabama. One of the movie quotes is, "why do you want to be married to me" and the reply is "so I can kiss you whenever I wanna!" I think this is a good reason to want to marry someone ;) gosh. 
    I'm at work, I came in early. I was actually planning on having my mom drop me off at dunkin donuts.. Last second I was like, actually.. I really don't want coffee. How weird is that thought!? Especially when I'm thinking it! 
    Last night, i woke up once every hour because I couldn't stop dreaming weird dreams. Most of them revolved around Kmart and one of them was meeting Rob's father, who has been, not alive, for 5 years.
   I've been thinking about that because a few weeks ago we were talking about how his youngest will never meet him and his other children won't really even remember him.. And he deserves to be remembered. Everyone does, for that matter.
    I hope I'll be remembered. I hope I've made such an impact on people's live that they will always remember me.
    Gah. I wish I could've called off today. I don't want to work!! One more day... Just... 9... To...530... I can do this!

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