Wednesday, April 24, 2013


    The excitement in me is increasing an insane amount. It's going to just start combusting out of me! My cashiers are coming a long way at work. It makes me feel really nice.
    Tomorrow I am going to the casino, which I'll be sure to let everyone know how that goes..
I talked to Rob last night on the phone for longer than 5 minutes! I love this guy.
He really makes my heart... beat. and melt. and skip.
Then Friday is the day I get to see him and I just can't wait. I'm trying not to rush my days but gosh, I want to see his face!
     I do not have a ride home tonight until 10 so I'm going to the gym for approximately 2 hours... Go me? haha. After an hour I start getting sluggish. Oh well. I'm just so haaaaaaaappppy!

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