Friday, May 31, 2013

Break Room Party

I'm sitting in the breakroom with Carlos and Casey. One of the cashiers just came in with a line/raspberry coolatta and I was like, meh... Like is yucky, she said, it's not bad, want to try some!? I did. It really wasn't bad. I'm not afraid of germs, unless you're a super germy looking person.
     I've spent the last 2 1/2 hours outside in the garden shop.. I meant to go earlier this morning but had to keep hunter a little longer than anticipated. And I was going to work til 330 but I felt like my body was cooking in the sun.... MMMM! Cooked Leanne!
   So now Casey and I are going to dunkin to wait til Carlos gets off work... Then gym time!
    I love the days where I see Cynthia.  <3

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fancy Day

       Had a great day, just so you know. I ended up being too hot and exhausted to go work with the flowers... But it can wait 'til tomorrow. Rob and I ate lunch together at subway, then I relaxed at the park until it was time for him to get off. There were a bunch of adorable ducklings running around all day! So cute! Then the ride home was nice... I love talking to him.  <3 I feel like we never run out of things to say. I love it. The. Saying bye was as sucky as usual. Well, not as bad. I felt like I'd see him sooner than usual, so it wasn't so.. Sad.
     Then my mom and I drove to the park to get hunter and he saw us pull in... So he started running.. And I got out of the car and ran.. Seriously, picture perfect. He's sooooo adorable. Sadly, I can't get off my bed right now because I'm feeling nasuseous from too much heat... But he keeps coming into my bedroom to see me and make sure I'm okay. He wants us to paint fish after I feel better.
   So tomorrow, hunter time, flower time, Laurie time (if she's feeling better), and gym time/Carlos time. Maybe rob time?

Something About the Morning...

     It's currently 5:45 am and I've been up since 5... Just relaxing and feeling the cool breeze flowing through my window. I love this time of the day. I miss waking up this early. It's so peaceful. The world hasn't really begun for most people at this time. I used to be going to work around this time and I absolutely loved it. I really didn't need to be awake until 630 but my excitement has me up sooner. I just want this day to start as soon as possible. Today is a Burnham day. Sadly, my mother doesn't share my ethusiasm about beig awake early so she wouldn't take me up to mill hall at 3am.  :X. Haha so instead, after we drop my sister off at school, we're heading up. I'm very lucky to have a mom who does this stuff for me. "Yeah, sure Leanne, I'll drive you all the way to Burnham just so you can have lunch with Rob." Yep, apparently she loves me.
    For breakfast, I'm planning on eating frozen pop tarts. The perfect thing to eat when you know it's going to be hot today. Anyway, I have to go get ready and try to look cute but prepared for the heat of today! Enjoy your day! I know I'll enjoy mine.
   PS: hopefully have a date with Cynthia today.  <3

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Apples to Apples

     I finally found time to start unpacking into my bedroom at my mom's. I've been working so much and doing things not at home, that I haven't had time to do anything. So I got home at 8, ate some brownies, then started hanging clothes, puttin books on my book shelves, thinking about Rob.... Oh, right. That had nothing to do with me unpacking stuff in my bedroom. Sorry, sometimes I get distracted with thoughts of him. Anyway, apparently the brownies and ice cream I had when I got home weren't enough for my stomach to be happy so I just broke down and made a pizza wrap. Hopefully it thinks its a good enough supper and will stay quiet until I fall asleep.
    I'm so excited to take my books out of the boxes. I love my books... I love looking at the titles and reminiscing about the story lines and what I was feeling while reading them.
    By the way, apples to apples is my favorite board game.
   Work was okay.
    One more day, then 2 days off in a row. I cannot wait.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I Am In Love With Food

      I'm sure previously in this blog, I've informed you of how much I love food. It's not even eating food. Just looking at it, cooking it, Having people eating it.... It just excites me in a weir way. Right now, I'm eating a late dinner which is a chicken and pepperoni quesadilla. Freakin' delish.
     Work is killing me with boredom. Talked to my boss and he said, well of you want to switch with another full time person, find someone to fill your shoes. My shoes are too big to fill. We both know that.
      My mom talked me into buying stuff to make brownies tonight... Sadly I'll probably be asleep before this happens. I stayed late at work and now my body is like... Just sleep Leanne, just sleep!
     My first and last thought of the day is always about you.   <3

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hungry, Hungry Leanne!

     Last night, my nephew came over, so after going to the gym with Carlos, then the mall with him and Laurie.. I came home and he wanted to sleep with me in my bed. I was like, sure, why not? Gosh. I forgot how much of a bed hog he is. I have a full size bed. It isn't that small... But he made it seem like it was. I don't think I got much sleep.
    Anyway, this morning I'm insanely hungry and want to eat everything. This is probably because of my hardcore workout I did yesterday... Usually the day after I'm ravenous.
   I'm also super tired.
    I wish I had more time for Hunter. I have to go to work in an hour and he isn't too pleased. I wish I could listen to him when he asks me not to go. Sigh.
    I miss Rob.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sorry For The Wait

    Sorry that it has been so long! As I've said previously, when I'm happy I tend to forget to post. This is strange, seeing as how I had originally started this blog to share my happiness with everyone. Yesterday, I couldn't stop smiling all day. It was crazy. I was just so happy. I ran into two really great friends that I haven't seen in forever and of course hearing Rob's voice always brings a huge smile to my face. He told me he's just waiting for the day when I won't be excited by him. I informed him if he hasn't happened yet, it won't ever happen. Yesterday I was very content just knowing I have him in my life. Today he has off and I probably won't talk to him all day.... And that makes me miss him and wish he'd get it together. I know everyone is saying I should just drop him if he hasn't done it yet... But I feel in my heart that he will. And if he doesn't, I won't be anymore hurt later on than I would be now. So why not give him time? Though I can assure you my patience is running low. I've been pushing more in the past 2 weeks than I ever have. I feel like I'm coming on super strong, but honestly... I can't stand being without him. Once you find the person you want for the ret of your life... How can you just let them go? You can't.
     Also, an update on my living arrangements:  I couldn't stand my cousin anymore so I've moved in with my mom. I'm going insane here too though just because I'm so used to living by myself and not being bothered... I just want alone time. Or rob time. Alone time with rob time.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Yikes! How Loud Can You Say Happy?

     I am the type of person who can say HAPPY very loud!!!
      Especially yesterday. Yesterday I woke up to a good morning because I had fallen asleep happy. Then I woke up and got a text from him and I was like oh! He's thinking about me this morning! Yay!  So to continue with my happiness I went to a bakery and got these amazing/small desserts called peanut butter diddies. I went to Carlos/Casey's house and woke them up to surprise them. They were super happy. Then I went to Kmart to surprise Cynthia with one(and a cookie) because I love her and wanted to help any way I could to make her day better. I had just so much happiness to share yesterday. I was literally getting happy chills with all the emotion I was feeling. Then I fell asleep. In my own bed. Then I walked to work, by choice, because its beautiful outside. While I was walking, rob called. Then work has been super busy.
   Now I'm at dunkin donuts drinking a coolatta, cooling down. :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Decision Made

     Okay, the decision on my living arrangement has been made. I will not e living at my dad's. The final choice has been made today. Erika is back from school and is driving me insane. Beyond insane. She just never stops pushing for stupid, immature things. She's going to be here all summer and I cannot handle her. It's bad when I'd rather live with my mom and have no money than live with my dad and put up with her very day. Just stop being so annoying and grow up! I can assure you that at no age was I ever like you.. And now you're almost 20

Monday, May 13, 2013

Favorite Memory

    I asked Rob what his favorite memory of me was so far. He replied that our first kiss was his favorite. So now that he has reminded me of that memory it's stuck in my head. It gives me the same butterflies now that I felt then.
    I just want to kiss him all the time.
     I couldn't sleep last night. I'm not sure why. It wasn't even that my mind was going a hundred miles per hour. I was actually quite relaxed. I may have gotten 4 hours of sleep altogether.
     Yesterday was Mother's Day . It made me want to become a mom. Blah.
     Good news is I spent half my day alone with hunter. We made homemade brownies together for his mom and then me and him went to the park!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What's For Breakfast?

    Instead of eating breakfast... I've been laying on my bed for an hour trying to think of what I actually want for breakfast. At my dad's house, everyone here usually is not even awake for breakfast.. So there really are not any breakfast foods. I could eat... Spaghetti? For breakfast? I suppose. There's these breakfast pouch things in the cupboard that you can toss in milk...
    What I'm really getting at is that I need a car. Hardcore. Now that I have my license, sitting at home isn't so fun. Especially since I know if I had a vehicle... I could totally go drive to the store and get the cereal I want. I could go to the gym whenever. I could go work my 2nd flower job whenever. I may go insane.
     Yesterday Carlos and Casey came over to my dads house for supper! And board games. Erika was quite excited because she's been wanting to meet Casey... And actually hang out with Carlos. It was so much fun!
    Now my dilemma is that my dad had asked me to go to state college today... which I totally forgot About.. And already made other plans to go to my first adult store. It's easier to say no to my dad than Carlos and Casey.... But saying no to anyone to me is hard. I'm a yes ill make you happy person.
    Anyway, I'm super hungry and want food. Have a good day.  :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

So Wrapped Up!

    Wow. Life has been hectic. It seems whenever I'm happy I forget to actually post a blog! So, now I'm going to give you an update. Today and tomorrow I'm officially moving my stuff... All of it.. Out of the house I shared with Shawn. More than half is going to my moms new house.. Because she has more space. Some will be going to my dads where I am currently staying . At first I was unsure if I wanted to stay at my dad's . It, at first, felt uncomfortable. I realized that's just because I'm used to having my own place. It's actually fun. My aunt is a completely different person now than she used to be. The reasoning is because she finally fell in love. Now she's a super happy person. Living with my mom would put me closer to work.. That's the only plus side. As I've said before, my mom drains me of money... And there's rarely any food in the fridge... There would've been if she hasn't taken all of my money... She also wants me to be in charge of sending in the rent. Which is a brilliant idea. She never pays rent, aka why we always move. I'm not sure whether I should trust her this time around. She's just screwed me too many times. My dad always has food in the fridge! He buys stuff just for me to make. My mom is also always home... So she'd always be in my company.. I've become so used to having my alone time.
So many decisions to make!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Silly Me

     Honestly, I stress way too much. I worry about everything and everyone. It doesn't affect anything I do but it's always subconciously on my mind. I am slowly going insane. People at work are occasionally such grump faces and don't want to work. After all these years, I still haven't figured out why it's so hard to work a little tiny bit while you're at work  .. . Crazy people.
      I am really enjoying living at my dads    except I miss my kitty faces. I think I've finally pulled myself far enough away from shawn so I know longer care... at all. Which sounds bad but it's incredibly great for me. I feel so free from him... and it feels great .
     I also love how awesome it feels to have my driver's license.. now I just need a car. Then I will finally be super independent! Which is what I've always wanted.. I hate having to rely on anyone.

I'm sleepy.

Friday, May 3, 2013

So Very Uncertain

    There's so much uncertainty in my life. I just need one certain thing.. One thing that will always be there that'll help me keep my sanity. Because I am going insane and I just need something to go how I want it to! One.. little..big... thing. I need you. Why is this so hard? I jnow the best things in life aren't easy . I get that.... I just need a little break

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Poke, Poke, Poke!

    Today was nice! I'm starting to feel some wear on not sleeping. I will more than likely be sleeping in until 10. or 9. or 8. Either way! Then my mom wants to hang out with me... though I was tempted to say no...but she must miss me if she actually asked to hang out. Jon also wants to have lunch with me? Then I asked my mon if I could borrow her car and meet Rob for coffee in lock haven. She seemed hesistant.. mostly because it'd be at night time and I haven't drove a car alone yet..  so she's worried I'll die. I have no doubts that I can convince her.    :) I may even use the excuse  that I want to pick up more flower hours at Kmart and need a car to drive since she's going to bingo tomorrow night.    
     I'm at my dad's house again and Wendy is cooking me and her boyfriend some fancy quesadillas. I'm not used to eating sinner this late... so I'm supwr tired and my sugar is low... I'm enjoying this family time though.