Thursday, May 30, 2013

Something About the Morning...

     It's currently 5:45 am and I've been up since 5... Just relaxing and feeling the cool breeze flowing through my window. I love this time of the day. I miss waking up this early. It's so peaceful. The world hasn't really begun for most people at this time. I used to be going to work around this time and I absolutely loved it. I really didn't need to be awake until 630 but my excitement has me up sooner. I just want this day to start as soon as possible. Today is a Burnham day. Sadly, my mother doesn't share my ethusiasm about beig awake early so she wouldn't take me up to mill hall at 3am.  :X. Haha so instead, after we drop my sister off at school, we're heading up. I'm very lucky to have a mom who does this stuff for me. "Yeah, sure Leanne, I'll drive you all the way to Burnham just so you can have lunch with Rob." Yep, apparently she loves me.
    For breakfast, I'm planning on eating frozen pop tarts. The perfect thing to eat when you know it's going to be hot today. Anyway, I have to go get ready and try to look cute but prepared for the heat of today! Enjoy your day! I know I'll enjoy mine.
   PS: hopefully have a date with Cynthia today.  <3

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