Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Poke, Poke, Poke!

    Today was nice! I'm starting to feel some wear on not sleeping. I will more than likely be sleeping in until 10. or 9. or 8. Either way! Then my mom wants to hang out with me... though I was tempted to say no...but she must miss me if she actually asked to hang out. Jon also wants to have lunch with me? Then I asked my mon if I could borrow her car and meet Rob for coffee in lock haven. She seemed hesistant.. mostly because it'd be at night time and I haven't drove a car alone yet..  so she's worried I'll die. I have no doubts that I can convince her.    :) I may even use the excuse  that I want to pick up more flower hours at Kmart and need a car to drive since she's going to bingo tomorrow night.    
     I'm at my dad's house again and Wendy is cooking me and her boyfriend some fancy quesadillas. I'm not used to eating sinner this late... so I'm supwr tired and my sugar is low... I'm enjoying this family time though.

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