Saturday, May 11, 2013

What's For Breakfast?

    Instead of eating breakfast... I've been laying on my bed for an hour trying to think of what I actually want for breakfast. At my dad's house, everyone here usually is not even awake for breakfast.. So there really are not any breakfast foods. I could eat... Spaghetti? For breakfast? I suppose. There's these breakfast pouch things in the cupboard that you can toss in milk...
    What I'm really getting at is that I need a car. Hardcore. Now that I have my license, sitting at home isn't so fun. Especially since I know if I had a vehicle... I could totally go drive to the store and get the cereal I want. I could go to the gym whenever. I could go work my 2nd flower job whenever. I may go insane.
     Yesterday Carlos and Casey came over to my dads house for supper! And board games. Erika was quite excited because she's been wanting to meet Casey... And actually hang out with Carlos. It was so much fun!
    Now my dilemma is that my dad had asked me to go to state college today... which I totally forgot About.. And already made other plans to go to my first adult store. It's easier to say no to my dad than Carlos and Casey.... But saying no to anyone to me is hard. I'm a yes ill make you happy person.
    Anyway, I'm super hungry and want food. Have a good day.  :)

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