Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crazy Stalker, Help?

    I got a random message from this boy on Facebook. He dated some girl, that was a friend of one of my friends. So he added me onto Facebook a few years ago. Never has he messaged me, commented on anything, 'liked' anything. When I see him at Kmart, sometimes we don't even bother saying 'Hi' to each other. So2 days ago I get a message saying 'sup' from him. No question mark. Just, 'sup'. So of course I think, what.. Does he think he's cool? Since Facebook shows when someone reads a message.. I decided to not be rude and answer him back. I said, nothing. You? He took that as an invite to blow up my inbox complaining about his ex girlfriend.. Oh and then hitting on me, which also led into him being perverted. Okay, the whole perverted thing? Not cool to do to someone you don't know. I found it awkward. Does he think I'm easy? Does he think because my relationship status says 'single' that I have a low self esteem and will go after guy who seems attracted to me? Sorry buddy,besides the fact that there is nothing at all about you I'm attracted to.. Well, actually, that pretty much sums it up. You lack any kind of personality and I wouldn't even pick you to be a friend of mine. Maybe if you weren't a perverted a-hole who won't shut up about your exes.. No, sorry. Too annoyed. 
     Anyway, the past 3 days have been super happy. I like it.

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