Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Do You Know You Are Having A Bad Day?

      Well, let me enlighten you. I haven't heard from Rob in 3 days, which is always a downer. So I woke up this morning and couldn't get myself to want to get out of bed. I slowly got around for the day and realized I look as exhausted as I feel.. So I tried to make myself look slightly more lively with make up. That didn't work. I even did my hair. Still feel awful. I looked at the weather app on my phone. It said it wasn't going to rain until 945 and it was 850! So I was like, score. So I started walking to Kmart to work with flowers... And I got 3/4 the way there.. And realized i forgot something. My mom works until 245.. And I needed it as soon as I got to kmart... So I walked back.. Grabbed it.. Went to shut the back door.. Literally almost fell because my body wasn't going where I wanted it to. So halfway back to Kmart... The skies opened up! Great. Got to Kmart and went outside because the rain let out a little bit. Then it started pouring... Carlos put me in a poncho, though I told him I'd rather just get soaked and mope in the rain, and I looked like a Giant, yellow duck. Cynthia is having a bad day. I wish she wasn't. Then I went up front and Travis is having a bad day. Susy is working and giving me a headache. I'm not even working yet And her voice is driving me insane. So I walked over to dunkin donuts To get an iced coffee.. The whipped cream is all melted on top and I popped the lid off and little white specks flew everywhere. 
      I probably won't be able to take Carlos and Casey for a picnic tomorrow.
      I'm sick of waiting for Rob to make up his kind. I gave him 'til Saturday but gosh, I'm impatient. Especially when he doesn't call me. I'm expecting the worse just because I feel like I don't deserve the happiness he brings. That's how I feel right now, though usually my thought is, I do deserve mad crazy happiness, damnit. I'm just having a bad day and that's making me feel sorry for myself.
      I'm ready to drown myself in my work.

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