Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sleepy Face!

     I got 2 hours of sleep last night before driving up to Millhall with my aunt and cousin. The 2 hours weren't even in a row. What for? To see Rob, obviously. An I crazy? Yes, everyone knows that though. I love Rob, but I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't do it for all the other important people in my life.. Because I would in a heart beat. All of the people in my life are important a d deserve my heart and adoration . Anyway.. I drove up there.. Impatiently waited for Rob, and when I saw him.. Well, I'm pretty sure when I'm not around him I forget how much I really love him. My heart just squeals with happiness every time.
Today is the ultimatum day.
Today is also something else special that I can't risk putting on here because the person may find out!
I'm so thankful that my aunt understands my love enough to get me a way up to Millhall. <3

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