Friday, June 7, 2013

My Life, My Future

     Everyone's past is important. It shapes you into the person you are today, whether it be good or bad. I've had a hard past. Thankfully half way through my life I found people to help get me through it. I can assure you there have been plenty of moments where I could've died and I would not have cared. I'm sure everyone has those moments. Everyone needs to hit rock bottom a few times. It helps you to better appreciate the good things you have in life. I'm really not one to dwell on the past. I don't need anyone's sympathy. I live In the present and look forward to a brighter future, while always trying to not live in the past. What's done is done, you can only learn from it and shape the rest of your world.
      I was reading cosmopolitan and there's a bunch of articles on women who found there calling pretty much randomly.  I wish I had that luck. I'm going to be hitting my 6 year mark for Kmart in October and I am no closer to figure out my career than I was at the beginning of this job. It's so hard to figure out what my calling is. I try to think of what I'm good at.... Making people happy. Does this mean I should be a therapist? I think therapists have an insanely important job.. But I want to also help people who don't realize they need help. I love to cook. I'm not so sure I'd like how nonintimate it is to serve in a restaurant. What if I have a day where I don't want to cook??? What if it's all in my mind how great I am? I love photography. I walk past places all the time and just imagine where is have people posing. My graphics teacher told me I had the 'eye' for photography. Is that enough? Finding a job now is hard. I can't afford college right now. I wish I could. The real problem is that there are so many careers I'd be happy with.. And it makes it hard to choose!
    When I try to imagine my future.. I can't see anything but two steps ahead. I have so much hope but nothing is close.

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